Thursday, March 31, 2011

i won, i won!!

So today was an unusual day at 3725 Hawk Rd. The house was q.u.i.e.t. Jeremy took Bowdrie out for the day to go to Home depot and the shooting range, so I was left all by my lonesome. I'll admit it was kinda nice to just have some quiet time, but by around 4:30 I was ready for some noise. I have already gotten used to a lively pup running me around most of the day, and when he is allowed to play by himself( for approximatly 30 seconds because he is a garbage disposal) I've gotten used to his yips and the soft thud of paws scrambling around. I know in your mind you are thinking "ugh another one bites the dust. Someone who thinks their puppy is a human child." Well I am. Sue me. I just have to say one more thing and then I will move on, but it is quite amazing to see something grow and develop before your eyes.

Other big news of the day...I won!!! What did I win? Well I'll tell ya. Apparently I have won a shopping spree. The president of the B.W.C (Best Wives Club) called me while I was at work tonight to tell me of my grand prize, and I couln't be more excited. -Side note- my husband is the president, board of commisioners, and all the members of this club, but anyway it is still awesome. He just thought I needed a little spoiling. How great is he!! So I'm scoping out the best deals and will carefully spend my winnings on my next day off. Oh descisions...

Teaser/Spoiler alert: I will be posting some before and after pics soon of the house and work we have done thus far, or Phase 1 as we affectionately call it. I know you are waiting on baited breath ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So sometimes I find myself wishing I had this or could do that or was more like this...etc, you get the point. I find myself not content with what I DO have. Disclaimer: I'm not saying we shouldn't strive for our dreams or work for things we would like to have and do, I'm just saying take a minute and say "thanks God for overflowing my cup!" This week I am especially reminded of the importance of being grateful and counting our blessings. Disclaimer # 2: I'm the world's worst about written thank you's. I can't tell you how many are half written or cards I have bought and not mailed. I know, I know I'm telling you to be thankful, but should be shining that mirror right back at myself. This week I was feeling in the "have nots" category and was venting to my ever patient and understanding husband about when our proverbial ship was going to come in when he gently reminded me that it already has. Well, humbled by his quiet reassurance and kind redirection, I began to dwell on how awesome my life really is. I have a warm home to sleep at. I have hot water to shower in. I have enough money to pay for electricity and food, even the occasional Redbox DVD rental. I have a steady job with no fear of losing it. We have two cars that take us very reliably, most of the time, from A to B. We have leisure time. We have freedom. We have a family that loves us unconditionally. We have each other to love. I could go on and on and on and on and on... again you get the point. I really have nothing to complain about. I know to some of you this next point will sound cliche, and to some it will resound deep in your soul. So here goes. The next time you feel like I did this week, think about widows in India who live on less than $1 a day. Think of the children in Ghana who have never smiled in their entire lives because from the time they could walk they have been enslaved. Think of the thousands of children that are taken from their homes by CPS, and the reasons this happens. Think of these things and rejoice in our Lord for setting us free. Thank him for your blessings. Thank him for your stupid problems like textured over wood paneling with popcorn yellow paint; because I can think of a crap-ton of people who would pee their pants to own these kind of walls. In light of this I will just light a candle to make the walls have a warm glow and say "thanks God." and maybe plant some flowers around the dug up septic line, since we didn't have to buy fertilizer ;)

P.S. If you are feeling really blessed and want to give back check out India's child, Widows In Need, and Mercy Project and see what you can do to help.

P.S.S The last thing I wanted from this post was to sound preachy. Mostly I just wrote it to give myself a little wake up call and to stop being such a little whiny butt.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

my forever boyfriend

As I think about how to tell you about my husband, Jeremy, I'm baffeled at the right configuration of words to paint the picture of how he makes me feel. It is more than simply saying "he makes me feel safe, loved, happy, ..." Its like the anticipation of right before opening presents on Christmas morning, the adrenaline rush of the drop of your stomach on a roller coaster, the familiarity of your favorite snuggle-on-the-couch blanket, the quiet content and sastifaction after a Thanksgiving meal. Still typing these word pictures I feel I haven't begun to break the surface. If you don't know this guy, well I'm sorry you really should, and if you do then as they say in New Zealand "good on ya mate." I guess really I'm writing this because I just want to give a big shout out to my favorite person in this world. I'm ever impressed by the things he says, the dreams he has, the gestures he makes. I mean really who goes from classical, semi-pro trumpet player to pistolsmith extrordinaire?! I love that he has transformed the ugliest house on the planet into the most charming farm house in the county. Well... is transforming, still working on it (more on that in a future post). I love that he never raises his voice even when I have done something colossaly stupid. I love that we are still "honeymooning"! I love that he makes me laugh and comes up with things like tacky Christmas trolls.  So here's to you love. Thanks for growing out the worst mustache just to complete your costume, digging up our poo to fix the septic line, training the pup, and making me melt each time you walk in the door. You are the one I want to wake up with, go to bed with, and do everything in between with.

Here he is last Christmas helping Camille, our little cousin, dominate the ultimate transformer battle with My Little Pony leading the charge and Littlest pet shop Kitty launching "poison cupcakes" to take down her brother's army.
Here we are at my family's tacky Christmas gift exchange. We brought a 1 1/2 foot tall troll figurine.

Again in Colorado as we re-enact Edward and Bella's forest adventure. He is probably going to kill me for posting this pic. Ah, I'm sure he will forgive me, c'mon it's pretty funny. Just look at that sexy, smoldering gaze.

When two became one. Beautiful.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Maiden voyage

So it is pretty slow here at work tonight, as Grace and I contemplate how to make this the greatest blog ever, naturally we chose the Eclipse background. This is my first blog post ever, and I imagine it will be quite ridiculous. Oh, shout out to my home-girl Taylor Arrington for coercing me into joining the world wide web of blog. Ok that's it for the intro, not my strong suit I guess.

In breaking news from the Reid house-hold our German Shepherd puppy, Bowdrie, hasn't had any accidents in the house in the last two days. As I type this, I wonder who the crap really cares about the urinary and bowel functions of my dog! Alas I shall push on. On a side note I will tell you how we came upon the name for our dog. I realize that Bowdrie is an odd sounding name. Everytime I tell someone they udoubtedly say"...huh, what did you say, Boudreaux?" No, I correct them, Bowdrie like from Louie L'amour. Background-so growing up my family listened to short story dramatizations of the great western classic authour Louie L'amour on long car trips to Colorado. Our all time favorite character was called "Bowdrie, Chick Bowdrie- Texas Ranger." In short he is a bad-ass. Come to find out Jeremy, my husband, loves Louie as well only he actually read the books and had never listened to them (ah I love my AR reader). I showed him the light. So after a long debate over names ranging from Darth Vader to Gandalf to Frank, we settled on Bowdrie. I know, I know it's kinda strange, but it makes me smile everytime and makes me think of my dad a little. I think he would be proud of me and happy in the life I am leading, at least I hope so. Plus he totally would love my pup! Me thinks this shall do for now, mainly because I have to go draw blood and bathe my other patient now...oh the joys of being a RN.